Bash process substitution

This post appeared originally in our sysadvent series and has been moved here following the discontinuation of the sysadvent microsite

In bash, we often use redirects (that is < and > ) to get output from a command to a file, or input from a file to a command. But sometimes, commands takes two or more files as input. Then our ordinary scheme does not work anymore.

Classical problem: Diff output from two commands

Let’s say you want to diff(1) the output of two commands. For example, compare the contents of two directories. You may run the two commands, and redirect the output to files, then diff the files, and finally remove the files. Awkward.

ls dir1 | sort > file1
ls dir2 | sort > file2
diff -u file1 file2
rm file1 file2

Since diff can take stdin as one input via the special filename ‘-‘, we might cut down to one file, but this is still awkward.

ls dir1 | sort > file1
ls dir2 | sort | diff -u file1 -
rm file1

Bash has (of course) a better solution: Process substitution, that is, treat the output (or input) of commands as files. Enter the process substitution operators:

>(command list) # Input
<(command list) # Output

Now, let us solve our diff challenge with a simple one-liner:

diff -u <( ls dir1 | sort)  <( ls dir2 | sort )

Neat, isn’t it? I use this all the time!

Bonus: Avoid sub-shell scripting

The following bash shell loop is a pitfall often missed, leading to subtle bugs that are hard to spot. Pipe to a while loop runs in a sub-shell, so global variables goes out of scope when they are changed inside the loop.


echo "Outside loop, global=$global"

for n in 1 2 3; do echo $n; done | \
while read i; do
    echo "Inside loop: global=$global"

echo "Outside loop, global=$global again :-("

Using command substitution, we avoid this elegantly:


echo "Outside loop, global=$global"

while read i; do
    echo "Inside loop: global=$global"
done < <( for n in 1 2 3; do echo $n; done )

echo "Outside loop, global=$global still :-)"

Ingvar Hagelund

Team Lead, Application Management for Media at Redpill Linpro

Ingvar has been a system administrator at Redpill Linpro for more than 20 years. He is also a long time contributor to the Fedora and EPEL projects.


make is a utility for automating builds. You specify the source and the build file and make will determine which file(s) have to be re-built. Using this functionality in make as an all-round tool for command running as well, is considered common practice. Yes, you could write Shell scripts for this instead and they would be probably equally good. But using make has its own charm (and gets you karma points).

Even this ... [continue reading]

Containerized Development Environment

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