In order to keep up with competitors, our workplaces must be digitalized and efficient. The future worker will need to handle more data, more ongoing parallell processes, take more legal requirements into consideration, make more daily business decisions and include business partners tightly in early processes. And how do you handle all these challenges in the digital world if not through a Digital Workplace!
You may have heard of the Digital Revolution and how our organizations must adopt to the revolution to stay competitive. At Redpill Linpro we have already designed a model to help organizations develop APIs as one way of staying competitive in the Digital Revolution era, but what about the daily work operations, can they be digitalized as well by becoming a so called digital workplace?
What is a Digital Workplace?
But what is a digital workplace? When assets are digitalized, it allows us to work with them in a new way. We can add metadata to categorize or group them, we can share information about these assets with colleagues, customers or partners and we can do a lot of different things to increase the value of a physical asset if it is digitalized.
Designing a Digital Workplace introduces a number of opportunities but it can also raise a number of issues that must be taken into consideration:
- What information do I need available?
- What can be automated?
- When to archive and when to publish?
- What about data and personal integrity?
- Security?
- Publishing channels?
- What digital tools do I need to process data and make the right decisions?
- How do I communicate information and share it with my colleagues, partners, customers or citizens?
- How do we fit the digital tools and data with business processes and the workflow of the organization?
Different workplaces for different generations?
Another interesting perspective is generation. The tools you ask for may not be the ones requested by your kids or the so called Generation C (born after 1990) who are just about to enter our workplaces replacing the Traditionalists (born before 1946). In short, digital workplaces of the future will give us many challenges, but the Digital Revolution will also introduce a lot of opportunities and possibilities. And how do we go about it right?
In order to help organizations with the presented challenges and explore the opportunities from a modern and flexible digital workplace, we have created a model aimed at designing the right digital workplace for your organization. Paired with the most innovative and flexible Open Source solutions available, we present a suggested approach to the Digital Workplace Transformation and provide you with the tools required to fulfill the established vision.
A model for Digital Workplace Transformation
This model helps you get started and work effectively on developing your digital workplace:
- It helps you decide what assets to digitalize,
- which parties to include in your processes and how to do it,
- what processes that can be automated,
- how to automate them,
- what to archive and when,
- which roles should have access to what data and when
- and what data to publish where.
The model is simply called ”The Digital Workplace Transformation” and you are of course welcome to get in touch if you have questions on how to impliment it for your organization.