I recently needed to remove a couple of decommissioned switches from one of our data centres. This turned out to be quite an ordeal. The reason? The ill-conceived way the rack mount brackets used by most data centre switches are designed. In this post, I will use plenty of pictures to explain why that is, and propose a simple solution on how the switch manufacturers can improve this in future.

Rack switch mounting 101

Standard rack-mount switch... [continue reading]

We have all done it. When SSH asks us this familiar question:

$ ssh redpilllinpro01.ring.nlnog.net The authenticity of host 'redpilllinpro01.ring.nlnog.net (2a02:c0:200:104::1)' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:IM/o2Qakw4q7vo9dBMLKuKAMioA7UeJSoVhfc5CYsCs. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? 

…we just answer yes - without bothering to verify the fingerprint shown.

Many of us will even automate answering yes to this question by adding StrictHostKeyChecking accept-new to ... [continue reading]

These are essentially my notes on setting up a single-node Kubernetes cluster at home. Every time I set up an instance I have to dig through lots of posts, articles and documentation, much of it contradictory or out-of-date. Hopefully this distilled and much-abridged version will be helpful to someone else.

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In our project, we have successfully implemented SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) 2.0 with our Alfresco Content Service v5.2.0. We use AD(Active Directory) to sync users and groups into Alfresco System.

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You don’t need to read the State of DevOps report to understand that cloud improves software delivery performance. But the report from 2018 shows that teams that actually leverage all of cloud computing’s essential characteristics are 23 times more likely to be high performers.

What are the essential characteristics?

  1. On demand self-service

    Provision computing resources without any human interaction

  2. Broad network access

    You get the network capability you need, regardless of the device you are ... [continue reading]

When developing software it makes sense to be able to work on local files, while the source code should be served from a controlled environment (a container) to prevent pollution of the developer workstation.

In this article I will describe the evolution of a development workflow for deploying applications on OpenShift. The ultimate goal is to make it possible to maximize dev/prod parity, while minimizing the idle time in the change/test cycle.

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The 12-factor app presents a number of guidelines to achieve DevOps compliancy. One of the guidelines specifies dev/prod parity, which in OpenShift can be implemented by re-using a single container image for all steps within an applications life cycle. Here we will describe how dev/prod parity can be achieved within OpenShift by using the pipeline support of the OpenShift BuildConfig object ... [continue reading]

Moving your services to the cloud

Going cloud is the new black, and has been for a few years already. Customers ask us: What is your Cloud Strategy? Can you help us moving to the cloud? Are your services Cloud Compliant? Check out some real-life scenarios.

5 valuable considerations

Going cloud is the new black, and has been for a few years already. Customers ask us: What is your Cloud Strategy? Can you help us moving to the cloud? Are your services Cloud Compliant? (Is ... [continue reading]

This post will show you how to get started with using Terraform, an open-source tool that lets you build your infrastructure using code.

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We build our network in order to simultaneously achieve high availability and maximum utilisation of available bandwidth. To that end, we are using Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation (MLAG) between our data centre switches running Cumulus Linux and our firewall cluster ... [continue reading]