Solutions and services for AWS


AWS Operations


Cloud operations, often referred to as cloud operations management or CloudOps, is the practice of managing and optimizing the various processes, tasks, and activities associated with the operation of cloud computing resources and services. Cloud operations encompass a wide range of activities aiming at ensuring the reliability, performance, security, and cost-effectiveness of cloud-based systems and applications. It involves both technical and non-technical tasks to maintain a stable and efficient cloud environment.

Our experienced cloud engineers take care of all the Customer responsibilities in AWS' Shared Responsibility Model, and our services can be tailored to your needs.


Our AWS security services includes a comprehensive range of measures designed to protect data, applications, and resources within a cloud environment. A robust security strategy addresses various potential threats, maintains compliance, and ensures that sensitive information remains confidential and secure.

Data encryption

We help safeguarding your data at rest and in transit. Encrypting data ensures that even if it's intercepted, it remains unreadable and unusable to unauthorized individuals.

Identity and access management

Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a set of policies, processes, tools, and technologies used to manage and control user identities, permissions, and access to resources within a cloud environment. It's a crucial component of cloud security that ensures the right individuals or entities have the appropriate level of access to the right resources, while preventing unauthorized access and data breaches.

Network and firewall configuration

Our staff includes leading experts within network and firewall configuration and maintanance, and are ready to help designing, setting up, and managing the network architecture and security measures needed within a complex cloud architecture.

Configuration and follow-up of backup

Proper backup configuration protects your data from loss due to hardware failures, data corruption, accidental deletion, and other disasters. By regularly reviewing and maintaining your cloud backup configuration we ensure the safety, availability, and recoverability of your critical data in the event of unforeseen issues.

Cost control and cost management

We assist you in achieving greater visibility and control over your cloud spendings, allowing you to maximize savings and effectively track your cloud costs to prevent budget overruns. The importance of tracking and optimizing costs cannot be overstated in cloud service operations, as the pay-as-you-go model has the potential to result in unforeseen expenses if resource management is not executed diligently.

Performance optimalization

Cloud service performance optimization refers to the process of enhancing the efficiency, speed, responsiveness, and overall effectiveness of cloud-based applications, services, and infrastructure. The goal is to ensure that these resources deliver the best possible performance while utilizing resources efficiently and cost-effectively.

Proactive monitoring

We continuously and preemptively monitor your cloud resources, applications, and services to identify potential issues before they escalate into critical problems. Rather than waiting for an outage or performance degradation to occur, proactive monitoring involves anticipating and addressing issues proactively, minimizing downtime and ensuring optimal performance.

Patch Management and Updates

Keeping software, operating systems, and applications up to date with the latest patches and updates is crucial to maintain security and stability. Our teams manage this process to minimize vulnerabilities.

24/7 expert duty and incident management

Our 24/7 shift is handled only by experienced engineers who knows our customer’s solutions. If, or when, issues or outages occur, our team respond quickly to resolve the problems and minimize downtime. Incident management processes ensure effective communication, root cause analysis, and timely resolution.



Michael Nemecky
Operations Manager at Redpill Linpro