Public Cloud solutions


Your ascent to the public cloud

Public cloud is the most well-known and referenced cloud computing model. Every infrastructure needed - servers, storage, networking and supporting software - is managed and owned by your chosen third-party provider. Your services are accessed by your internal and external users via web-browser, API/SDK or terminal over the internet. Examples of public cloud providers are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and Redpill Linpro Nordic Cloud (RLNC).

The advantages of a public cloud

  • Trade capital expense for variable expense
  • Benefit from massive economies of scale
  • Stop guessing capacity
  • Increase speed and agility
  • Focus on your business, not maintaining data centers
  • Go global in minutes

Our certified and experienced cloud engineers can assist you on your cloud journey regardless of public cloud-flavour, yet with exstra expertise on AWS and RLNC. Redpill Linpro is an Advanced AWS Consulting Partner and the leading Nordic competence center for AWS Services. Our AWS certified and experienced architects and engineers are there for you to make your cloud journey easy.



Yngve Sandal
Architect at Redpill Linpro