Cloud architecture


Cloud architecture

A successfull cloud adoption requires a sound and well thought-out architecture. Some key design principles in cloud architecture are automation, small and frequent changes, automatic testing and designing for scalability. While it is perfectly possible to use cloud services just like traditional IT systems, it is often not very wise to do so.

Cloud services are built for automation, with APIs available for orchestration and integration already in place. Some notable benefits of automation are better and repeatable quality of deliveries, shorter time to recover from failures, and scalability out of the box. With automation in place, changes can be deployed in a much shorter timeframe with less impact for your business. Shorter deployment times make it possible to deploy changes more often, cutting down on the lead-time to bring new features to the market.

Redpill Linpro's cloud architects will help you to design solid, cost-efficient and reliable solutions for the cloud. We can then help you to implement and migrate your solution to the cloud of your choice.



Yngve Sandal
Architect at Redpill Linpro