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Automation examples

  • Refueling, configuring and updating laptops, desktops (legacy and UEFI BIOS) and VMs with RHEL7 and 8 using Satellite 6 and Puppet 5

  • Installation and configuration of Icinga2 server and clients, with alarms in Jira.

  •  Automated initial installation and initial configuration of Red Hat Identity Management and FreeIPA using. Ansible and third-party Ansible roles and Ansible modules

  • Automated management of all content in Red Hat Identity Management and FreeIPA using. Ansible and third-party Ansible roles and Ansible modules

  • Automated issuance and re-issuance of X.509 certificates from PKI in IdM / IPA for HTTPS using. Ansible and Certmonger

  • Automated issuance of Kerberos keytabs from IdM / IPA for host, HTTPS, NFS and CIFS using. Ansible

  • Automated initial installation and initial configuration of Red Hat Satellite 6 and Foreman w / Katello using. Ansible and third-party Ansible roles and Ansible modules

  • Automated administration of all content in Red Hat Satellite 6 and Foreman w / Katello using. Ansible and third-party Ansible roles and Ansible modules

  • Automated provisioning of virtual machines on VMware using Ansible and Satellite 6 / Foreman w / Katello based on VMware Template image in VMware

  • Automated deployment of the most business-critical applications in production with Ansible, based on legacy method and packaging (rpm package) of the application

  • Automated administration of internal software repos on Satellite 6 and Foreman w / Katello, using Ansible

  • Automated GPG signing of RPM packages, to be uploaded in software repo on Satellite 6 and Foreman w / Katello

  • Automated installation and basic configuration of Jira with associated automated installation and configuration of PostgreSQL database, NGINX reverse proxy w / SSL termination

  • Automated password database based on passports, and use of GPG keys from Yubikeys

  • Automated secrecy management in Ansible Vault, where Ansible Vault keyphrase has been stored GPG-encrypted in a file checked in git-repo

  • Automated encryption of Ansible Vault keyphrase file, with different GPG public key compilation

  • Automated Ansible Vault rekey of Ansible Vault encrypted files, with method that should be run regularly when changing teams or for other needs

  • Re-implemented configuration management of the most business-critical applications with Puppet 4 and using R10K, Hiera 5, Hiera eyaml, Foreman as ENC and appropriate setup, based on previous implementation performed with Puppet 3 (which was legacy at the time of execution in 2017)

  • Automated installation and basic configuration of GitLab with Ansible

  • Automated installation and configuration of Barman with Puppet for automated backup of PostgreSQL database, with the possibility of Point In Time Recovery (PITR) with low RPO and RTO

  • Automated installation and configuration of Varnish HTTP Cache with Puppet, with managed VCL

  • Automated installation and configuration of Java application server Wildfly 10 with company-specific customization using Puppet 4

  • Automated configuration of authentication solution with OpenID Connect to the ID port using Apache module mod_auth_openidc using Puppet

  • Automatic creation of system accounts in Cyberark PAM system

  • Automated Elastic stack server and agents (beats)

  • Automated Dogtag certificate server with creating SSL certificates on machine based on configuration in inventory and submission and approval of the certificates in Dogtag

  • Automated deployment of various docker containers based on configuration in inventory

  • Automated user management in AD (Created users with specific settings and sent out email to that user with a login password).

  • Automated full configuration of Gitlab and Installation 

  • Automated full configuration of Pulp

  • Automated VMware template build with Hashicorp Packer 

  • Automated configuration on VMware vSphere

  • Automated installation and full configuration of Ansible Automation Platform

  • VDI management server setup with git + repos, vagrant, ssh, pass integration for ssh keys and access control

  • Automated package installation and configuration of many different products 

  • Automated system check against CIS benchmarks and configuration of systems according to CIS recommendations

  • Gitlab workflow via CLI and API to cover several different needs that take too long via GUI

  • Hashicorp Vault node deployment via Terraform, Packer and Ansible in combination 

  • Hashicorp Consul node deployment via Terraform, Packer and Ansible in combination

  • Service setup in Azure Functions to generate Hostnames including filter and name patterns

  • Host deployment and management in Azure Cloud via Ansible Automation Platform 

  • Host management via Chef 

  • Testing of Software packages before deployment in Vagrant 

  • Using VMware templates instead of manually setting up nodes in VMware

  • Machine management and integration with Red Hat Satellite

Kirsti Stien

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Region Manager DevOps Oslo

+47 915 739 15

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