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Succeed with your digital innovation program by making it strategic

Only 16% succeed - are you one of them?

Today as many as 84% of companies fail with their digital transformation projects.

We think this is because companies in general view their digital transformation projects as tactical and not strategic.

This means that they only focus on one of the important aspects when initiating a digital transformation program. We believe that to be successful with digital innovation (we prefer to use the term "innovation" rather than "transformation"), you also need to focus on:

  • Vision alignment
  • Business change
  • Business capabilities

And lastly, being humble to the fact that you are running a true transformation/change project when running a program like this.

To get more in-depth information on how to run a successful project:

Transform your organisation with Red Hat

We are in the era of multiplied innovation, where organisations are moving beyond incremental transformation to a more wide-scale transformation. This will require the ability to leverage ecosystems of talent, technologies, and processes.

Build better business with Open Source technology, culture, and practices. Learn how in this eBook from Red Hat:

Succeed with digital innovation event, end October

To get more in-depth information on digital innovation, Open Shift, 3Scale and more you can register for our free of charge digital event. By registering you will continuously get updates on topics, speakers, exact date, and more. 

The registration is not binding.

Enabling digitalisation video

If you would rather like to watch a video on the subject:

Digital readiness podcast

Lately there has been a lot of buzz about digitalisation and the digital revolution. Within the IT business a lot of the talk has been about digital transformation and if organisations has to embark on change journeys to be prepared for the digitalisation.

Many digitalisation projects have led to purchases of divers solutions to create capacity. Few have led to real organisational changes. Changes that we think are necessary to get real value from the investments.

Get a few tips on how to realise this value, through below podcast.

Martin Müller

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