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Share and collaborate on documents, send and receive email, manage your calendar and have video chats without data leaks.

Integrated groupware, chat and project management

As fully on-premises solution, Nextcloud provides the benefits of online collaboration without the compliance and security risks.

Nextcloud features tightly integrated chat, video calls, project management, mail, calendaring and more. Chat messages can be directly added as tasks and task deadlines are visible in the Calendar and files can be attached to a task from the sharing dialog.

A unified solution has the benefit of only using one account instead of many to keep track on where the latest version of a document resides.


Common processes in organizations, like getting a document approved or turning it into a PDF, can be automated with Nextcloud Flow and Approval workflows.

Together with integration of a number of document signing tools, You can request a signature on a PDF document like a contract from within Nextcloud.

Collaborate on documents with Collabora

Collabora Online integration in Nextcloud empowers your users to collaborate on office documents with team members in real time.

Compatibility with Microsoft Office formats means perfect documents, every time.

  • Shipping by default in Nextcloud Hub
  • A modern and familiar user interface
  • The same document rendering in every browser
  • Desktop level editing capabilities

Start your day on top

The Nextcloud Dashboard is your starting point of the day, giving you an overview of your upcoming appointments, urgent emails, chat messages, incoming tickets, latest tweets and much more! Users can set their status so others know what they are up to.

Why Nextcloud Enterprise

A reliable platform for large organizations

  • Additional testing and quality assurance
  • Early critical bug fixes and hot fixes
  • Upgrade standby: we ensure smooth upgrades with advice and help
  • Enterprise grade SLA up to 24/7
  • Up to 5-10 years of long term support for stable Nextcloud releases

Advanced security capabilities to customers

  • Early security patches
  • Enterprise-grade security features and hardening
  • Early notifications about critical security issues
  • Pro active security consulting to review and harden your instance
Nextcloud Platinum Partner
Johan Bernhardsson

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